Wzory wniosków i druków z zakresu ewidencji ludnosci i dowodów osobitych
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Wzory wniosków i druków z zakresu ewidencji ludnosci i dowodów osobitych
The writing's on the wall. Joomla 4 and 5 are failed CMS releases. They account for around 0.3% of ALL Joomla sites according to W3Techs (https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-joomla). Joomla's official stats (which were introduced near the end of life of Joomla 3[…]
K2 is the popular powerful content extension for Joomla with CCK-like features. It provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments),[…]
Today we're launching Quick Menu, a new free admin module for Joomla 4 which adds a handy top-side (desktop) or bottom-side (mobile) menu in the Joomla 4 backend. The purpose of Quick Menu is to restore UX sanity & reduce[…]
Quick Menu (by JoomlaWorks) is a Joomla 4 administrator module which adds a handy quick menu to the Joomla 4 backend to restore UX sanity! FEATURES Less clicks to important content management and admin tasks in the Joomla 4 backend...[…]
Adding image galleries inside your Joomla articles has never been easier! Using the "Simple Image Gallery PRO" extension from JoomlaWorks you can quickly display a folder of images on your server as a stylish image gallery within any Joomla article,[…]
Disqus Comments (for Joomla) integrates the Disqus comments system & service into any Joomla based website. Disqus (pronounced 'discuss') is a service and tool for web comments and discussions - currently the most popular comments-as-a-service provider worldwide. It makes commenting[…]
K2 v2.11 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This release adds new features, improves existing features, resolves various bugs and adds PHP 8 compatibility. If you're also wondering what's up with Joomla 4, read on... First[…]
Adding RSS/Atom syndicated content inside your Joomla website is now super-easy and simple with the 'Simple RSS Feed Reader' module from JoomlaWorks. All you have to do is add a few feeds to the module parameters, publish the module in[…]
Simple Image Gallery (free) version 4.2 is now available to download. This is a maintenance release. Here's what's been added or changed in Simple Image Gallery (free) with the release of v4.2: Resolves fatal PHP error in Joomla 4 caused[…]
Simple Image Gallery Pro v3.9.1 is now available to download for subscribers. This is a minor bug-fix release following the release of version 3.9.0 a couple weeks ago. For a detailed look on the new features and changes in v3.9.0,[…]
The writing's on the wall. Joomla 4 and 5 are failed CMS releases. They account for around 0.3% of ALL Joomla sites according to W3Techs (https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-joomla). Joomla's official stats (which were introduced near the end of life of Joomla 3[…]
K2 is the popular powerful content extension for Joomla with CCK-like features. It provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments),[…]
Today we're launching Quick Menu, a new free admin module for Joomla 4 which adds a handy top-side (desktop) or bottom-side (mobile) menu in the Joomla 4 backend. The purpose of Quick Menu is to restore UX sanity & reduce[…]
Quick Menu (by JoomlaWorks) is a Joomla 4 administrator module which adds a handy quick menu to the Joomla 4 backend to restore UX sanity! FEATURES Less clicks to important content management and admin tasks in the Joomla 4 backend...[…]
Adding image galleries inside your Joomla articles has never been easier! Using the "Simple Image Gallery PRO" extension from JoomlaWorks you can quickly display a folder of images on your server as a stylish image gallery within any Joomla article,[…]
Disqus Comments (for Joomla) integrates the Disqus comments system & service into any Joomla based website. Disqus (pronounced 'discuss') is a service and tool for web comments and discussions - currently the most popular comments-as-a-service provider worldwide. It makes commenting[…]
K2 v2.11 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This release adds new features, improves existing features, resolves various bugs and adds PHP 8 compatibility. If you're also wondering what's up with Joomla 4, read on... First[…]
Adding RSS/Atom syndicated content inside your Joomla website is now super-easy and simple with the 'Simple RSS Feed Reader' module from JoomlaWorks. All you have to do is add a few feeds to the module parameters, publish the module in[…]
Simple Image Gallery (free) version 4.2 is now available to download. This is a maintenance release. Here's what's been added or changed in Simple Image Gallery (free) with the release of v4.2: Resolves fatal PHP error in Joomla 4 caused[…]
Simple Image Gallery Pro v3.9.1 is now available to download for subscribers. This is a minor bug-fix release following the release of version 3.9.0 a couple weeks ago. For a detailed look on the new features and changes in v3.9.0,[…]
I Zastępca Prezydenta Miasta ds. Gospodarczych - Elżbieta Gralec
Wykonuje zadania powierzone przez Prezydenta, do których w szczególności należy:
1) prowadzenie polityki w zakresie budownictwa komunalnego i socjalnego;
2) zapewnienie sprawnego funkcjonowania gospodarki komunalnej;
3) określenie i realizacja zadań związanych z utrzymaniem infrastruktury komunalnej miasta;
4) planowanie, przygotowanie i prowadzenie inwestycji miejskich;
5) całokształt spraw związanych z ochroną środowiska;
6) nadzorowanie działalności jednostek organizacyjnych miasta w zakresie gospodarki komunalnej;
7) gospodarka gruntami i mieniem gminnym;
8) zapewnienie prawidłowego, terminowego i zgodnego z prawem wykonywania zadań przez nadzorowane komórki organizacyjne Urzędu Miejskiego.
2. Zastępca Prezydenta ds. Gospodarczych prowadzi bezpośredni nadzór nad:
1) Referatem Realizacji Inwestycji,
2) Referatem Urbanistyki i Planowania Przestrzennego;
3) Referatem Geodezji i Zarządzania Nieruchomościami;
4) Referatem Ochrony Środowiska;
5) Referatem Gospodarki Odpadami i Dróg
6) Referatem ds. Pozyskiwania Funduszy Zewnętrznych;
7) Referatem Zamówień Publicznych;
8) Biurem Architekta Miejskiego;
9) Samodzielnym Stanowiskiem ds. Nadzoru Inwestorskiego;
10) Przedsiębiorstwem Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o. o.;
11) Zakładem Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o. o.
Urząd Miejski w Starachowicach
ul. Radomska 45
27-200 Starachowice
Tel: 41-273-82-00
Fax: 41-274-63-05